Center for Biodiversity Restoration

An alliance of community organizations  dedicated to promoting biological diversity and  community well being.

A Costa Rican Non-Profit Foundation

Dan May

(Photo: Dan May)

Silvopastures involve a purposeful integration of trees and grazing livestock within the same area. These integrated systems are carefully supervised to yield both forest products and forage, offering income sources in both the short and long term. Silvopasture integrates climate-friendly management practices to address climate change, emphasizing strategies for grazing, manure, and carbon sequestration.

Our Silvopastoral Project

In the La Ruta Conectividad region, our livestock farm advisor, Jose Mario, emphasized the issue of overgrazing as  approximately 80% of the land is dedicated to livestock use.  Farmers currently resort to spraying herbicide three times a year to eliminate undesirable weeds  which their livestock won’t consume.  These weeds occupy valuable space.  Open pastures have scarce habitat for wildlife and minimizes their movement.

Fencing for silvopastoral systems offers an alternative to herbicides, increases livestock production and improves habitat for biodiversity.


This project will organize a group of 10 to 12 farmers to visit a local dairy that utilizes a  silvopastoral system; the farmers will gain insights into the benefits of implementing such a system and the rotational methodologies involved. For instance, instead of resorting to herbicides,  water buffalo are mixed into the pasture rotation schedule as they tend to consume undesirable weeds left behind by other livestock.

As part of our strategy, we will create a simple chart; a basic mathematical matrix that outlines the economic and environmental advantages of an electric fence and the silvopastoral approach. This chart would serve as a valuable resource for our discussions.

The cost of a 10-hectare (25 acres) kit, including solar panels, batteries, wires, and chargers is $1,500 to $2,000.  

Our immediate proposal seeks $15,000 to $20,000 USD in funding. This allocation would provide 10 farms with a 10-hectare solar fencing kit, (total impact 100 hectares). The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, at the local level, has agreed to provide guidance and support for at least two years (implementation and monitoring).  Priority for this assistance would be given to farms along La Ruta Conectividad and in proximity to the Carara region.

We can significantly enhance the biodiversity of La Ruta Conectividad at a cost of $250/hectare or $100/acre. We invite you to consider contributing to this meaningful project through a donation. Thank you.

How this will improve Biodiversity:
Cattle production in areas employing silvopastoral systems have been reported to yield various benefits, with particular emphasis on the advantageous role of tree-provided shade in enhancing comfort and promoting animal welfare. Beyond shade benefits, the trees and shrubs within a silvopastoral system also serve as habitats and protective cover for diverse wildlife species. This holistic approach contributes to livestock well-being, boosts rancher income, enhances soil health, establishes habitat and migration routes for wildlife, and supports  biodiversity. Silvopastoral systems are a good fit for La Ruta Conectividad!

Photo: Ben Raskin,